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How to Learn Fast During Exams?

We know that we have many hours to utilise, but what really happens is another story :P

Here I want to sharer some tips and tricks on how you can be more productive and remember things than you usually could.

How to Learn Fast During Exams

1. Study multiple subjects in one day. Instead of focusing on one subject, you should focus on more, so your mind doesn't get bored and its easy to remember few things in one subject at a time.

2. Don't multitask. We might feel like we can do anything in short time, but our minds are not designed the same way. Do the following for becoming more productive:

  • Turn off notifications of your phone.
  • Put your phone away.
  • Turn off the internet.

3. Clean your room, so you feel relaxed and don't get distracted.

4. Use hard copies instead of using phones or tablets. Because that way you can re-frame the information.

5. Take a walk before an exam, so your mind get relaxed and can perform better.

6. Speaking out loud helps in many ways while reading. That way you easily understand the content and possibilities of remembering information also improves.

7. Teach what you have learnt.


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