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Things Students Can Do Over a Summer Break

Summer break for Australian students is from mid December to late January. This is the time when the days are warmer and are longer than the usual climate. So do you know you can utilize this time?  Schools in Australia, though really focus on extra curricular activities. Like Yarra Valley Grammar School, is very much focused into Sports, and cultural activities, so you can opt those during summer break, if the school provides it.

Here I am sharing some options you can opt during your summer break.

Woman Facing Her Left While Her Right Hand Under Her Jaw

  • Travel around the city, or out of the city to explore and experience.
  • You can visit your family back home, if you are not localite.
  • You can opt for working part time into some coffee shop, grocery shop, or baby sit etc.
  • Learn a new skill, which you want to expertise in, or just try out learning some new language.
  • Volunteer into some social events and NGOs.
  • You can also do some online courses available on web like on Udemy, Coursera.
  • Start writing a blog.
  • Read your fav. books, which you wanted to read.


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